Category: Advocacy

Join Us at Our Preservation Celebration 2022!

Join us for our Preservation Celebration 2022 at the newly restored and re-opened Peale Museum! On October 13, we’ll honor our 2022 Preservation Award winners and, with your help, give out four microgrants to people working on the front lines in our historic neighborhoods. We’ll say thank you to our volunteers and honor all of their hard work this year. This gathering also acts as Baltimore Heritage’s annual meeting where the board will elect its new members. With food from Baltimore vendors, wine and beer from Maryland suppliers, and complimentary valet service, we hope you will join us for what promises to be a wonderful evening. And we couldn’t be in a better historic place than the newly renovated Peale Museum. We hope you’ll join us on October 13!

Register here! Tickets are a suggested donation of $25.

CHAP Update: Sarah Ann Street Historic District Nomination Advances!

This afternoon the city’s historic preservation commission (CHAP) advanced the nomination for Sarah Ann Street in the Poppleton neighborhood of West Baltimore to become a local historic district. The district would include the alley houses in the 1100 block of Sarah Ann Street that have been owned by Black Baltimore families since they were built in the 1870s, as well as two houses on North Carrollton Street that also have rich histories. The next step for the nomination is for the preservation commission to conduct further research and solicit additional input from the public before holding a second and final hearing this fall.

We at Baltimore Heritage first got involved in the effort to save these historic houses from being demolished back in 2004. We joined neighborhood residents, including homeowner Sonia Eaddy and her family who still live there and are still active advocating for their homes, along with retired judge Tom Ward who worked for decades preserving historic places in West Baltimore. The city’s recent willingness to create a new historic district and preserve the houses comes after years of uncertainty. It also comes after new allies joined the fight, including Dr. Nicole King and her students from the University of Maryland Baltimore County.

If you would like to have your voice heard on this issue, you can email comments to the preservation commission’s executive director, Eric Holcomb: And check back here for additional information as the Sarah Ann Street historic district proposal advances.

Victory in Poppleton!

Baltimore Heritage is thrilled to share the news that the Eaddy family and all of the advocates in Poppleton have won. The city just announced that it will not evict the Eaddy family (they will get to continue to own their homes), and that the City is selling the Sarah Ann Street alley houses to non-profit developer Black Women Build for $1 each. Black Women Build has already started thinking through their rehab and eventual sale, with the former tenants getting first priority. This has been 20 years in the making and is a huge victory. A big thank you and congratulations to the Eaddy family and Organize Poppleton for their sustained campaign to save these historic homes. We’ll share more later, but here is a wonderful Baltimore Brew article.

Announcing the Laurel Cemetery Memorial Project’s Inaugural Newsletter

Baltimore Heritage is delighted to have a guest blog post by Dr. Elgin Klugh, chair of the Laurel Cemetery Memorial Project, announcing the group’s inaugural newsletter! The Laurel Cemetery Memorial Project is dedicated to telling the untold history and fate of Baltimore’s first nonsectarian African American cemetery and the thousands of individuals buried there. Read more about it below! 



The Laurel Cemetery Memorial Project is excited to share with you the inaugural issue of the Laurel Cemetery Memorial Project, Inc. newsletter. This is the first issue of future quarterly newsletters where we will report research findings, recent activities, and provide biographical profiles and feature articles of interest about Baltimore’s historic Laurel Cemetery.

It is our hope that you will appreciate, feel enriched by, and support our work as we strive to honor the thousands of individuals buried at Laurel Cemetery. Please join us as we uncover the forgotten past of this historic sacred ground.

Additional information can be found on the project’s website.

Please contact with suggestions for articles, events, or news to include in future editions.

–Dr. Elgin Klugh

Click on this image to read the newsletter!


2021 Thank You!

All of us at Baltimore Heritage want to say a sincere thank you to everybody who renewed their membership, joined for the first time, and donated an extra gift to help us meet our 2021 challenge match. Your gifts in 2021 helped us to meet our challenge match and will allow us to have an even bigger impact in Baltimore. Thank you for your confidence! 

What are we planning for 2022?  Here are a few highlights for how your gifts will help in the year ahead. 

Civil Rights Heritage in Baltimore Public Schools: In our continuing partnership with the Lillie Carroll Jackson Civil Rights Museum, the Maryland Center for History and Culture, and the city schools’ humanities department, this winter we will help train teachers in a new Civil Rights curriculum for Baltimore City school kids to launch in the coming year.

In-Person Tours: This past year we began hosting outdoor in-person walking tours at Green Mount Cemetery. With any luck, this spring we will be able to return to much more robust tours and events including our annual spring historic neighborhoods Baltimore by Foot series and our Behind the Scenes series of wonderful historic buildings. Please stay tuned!

Virtual Programs: One thing we have learned again this year is that virtual programs like our Five Minute Histories Series and our Friday afternoon Virtual History Talks offer ways to connect that in-person programs just can’t. So, don’t worry, these and our other virtual programs are here to stay, and we’re ramping up for a full year of them in 2022.


2021 Supporters

* indicates a gift for our 2021 challenge match

Abell Foundation *

Abrams, Lissa *

Adair, James

Adams, Joe *

Adams, Patricia

Adams, Rachel *

Adams, Virginia *

Adashek, Aimee *

Adrian, Jean Marie *

Agee, Anne

AGM Financial Services*

Akchin, Don*

Alexander, Judith

Alicia and Joe Corson

Allegreti-Freeman, Lucille*

Allen, Carol*

Allen, Deborah

Allison Weiss and Frederick Sisk

Alt, Patricia

Amador, Catherine*

Amy Bonitz and Addison Palmer*

Amy Davis and Robert Cronan

Amy Macht and George Grose

Anbinder, Robert

Anderson, Jane

Anderson, Pat*

Andrea and Roy Struble

Andreone, Tom

Andrew and Sharon Nickol*

Andrews, Anna

Andrews, Donna

Andrews, Patricia  *

Angela and Robert Pond

Ann and David Saunders

Anne and Hugh Coyle

Anne and Richard Swingle*

Anne and Tony South

Anne Raines and Eric Leland

Anozie, Lynda*

Anson, Melanie

Aquino, Karla

Aracil, Bonnie*

Architects, Penza Bailey

Arlene Forastiere and Gary Goldstein*

Armand and Kathleen Pulcinella*

Armbruster, Janet

Armold, Judith

Arnold, Richard

Arnold-Garza, Sara*

Arthur Gleckler and Kristine Kelly*

Ashby, Fay*

Ashcraft, Mary Ann

Audrey and John Rogers*

Ault, Donald*

Auni and Tim Gelles

Azola and Associates*

Azola, Anthony

Azola, Martin

Bahr, Raymond

Bailey, Lewis*

Bailliere, Anne*

Baisden, Ruth  *

Baker, Natalie*

Baker, Susan*

Ball, Madelyn

Ballou, Ken

Baltimore Community Foundation

Baltimore National Heritage Area

Barbara and Edward Panowitz

Barbara and Gerard St. Ours*

Barbara and Glenn Davis

Barbara and John McDaniel

Barbara and Patrick Francis

Barbara and Sandy Weeks*

Barbara Christen and David Luljak

Barbara Engelke and Richard White

Bari, Lisa*

Barnes, Christine*

Baroch, Dee*

Barrett, Michael*

Barroll, Page

Barry and Barbara Blumberg*

Barry, William*

Barsda, Jo Ann

Barton, Cary

Basch, Paul

Bath, Susan*

Baynes, Kevin

Beck, Gary

Becker, Maureen

Belfoure, Charles

Bell, Lenora*

Bendann, Lance

Bengali, Kathleen

Bennish, Michael

Bennish, Michael

Bennish, Michael

Beretta, Dante

Berglund, Richard*

Berman, Deborah*

Berman, Meg

Bernardi, Lynn*

Bernie Silverman and John Hartman*

Bernstein, Neil

Bershad, Jacqueline*

Betancourt, Isabel*

Beth and Chuck Bullamore

Beth Leaman and Dino Talamona

Bierman,  Babette

Bill Gilmore and Ted Frankel*

Bill Marker and Nan Tuckett

Bird, Betty*

Birkel, Bonnie*

Bissett, Wesley*

Black, Catharine

Blom, Kate*

Blonsley, Linda

Bob and Lynn Pellaton

Bobart, David

Bodian, Brenda*

Bohan, Deborah

Bomberger, Karen G

Bongiovani, Maryanne*

Borak, Mark*

Born, Carl*

Bosserman, Laura*

Bowen, Sarah

Bowers, Gary*

Bowers, Lee

Bowes, Arlene*

Bowie, Cindy*

Bowman Brown, Carolyn

Boyle, Ellsworth

Bradley, Bonnie*

Brady, Michael

Braman, Mary*

Brant, Joseph

Braun, Alexis

Brauneis, Robert

Braverman, Mara

Braymer, Nancy

brennan + company architects

Brennan, Alison

Brennan, Rob

Breslaw, Elaine

Brewer, Corey*

Brieger, William*

Briggs, Jo

Briggs, Patricia

Brigitte and Nicholas Fessenden*

Brinza, Patrick*

Brobst, Bonnie

Brockman, Suzanne

Broida, Michael*

Brooks, Susan*

Brower, Cynthia R*

Brown, Anna

Brown, Charlotte B*

Brown, David

Brown, Frona*

Brown, James

Brown, Jonathan*

Brown, Paul*

Brown, Rebecca*

Brown, Suzanne*

Brownell, Charles

Bruce and Suzanne Manger

Bruce Bauman and Elizabeth Halloran*

Buchbinder, Sharon*

Bucher, Ward*

Buckley, Marcia*

Buckley, Sean

Bunch, Robert

Burger, Jim*

Burke, Robert*

Burnett, Walter*

Buswell, Susan R.*

Butchers Hill Association*

Butler, Elise

Byrnes, John

Byrnes, Joseph

Byrnes, Patricia*

Cadigan, John

Cahill, Kathleen*

Callahan, Charles*

Campbell, Bettye

Campbell, Janet*

Cane, David

Caplan, Nancy

Caplan, Richard

Cardin, Deborah

Carel Hedlund and Len Fass

Carl and Carol Oppenheim*

Carl Roth and Karen Birdsong

Carl, Susan*

Carla Rosenthal and Alan Schwartz

Carlat, Louis*

Carol and Peter Holland

Carol and Tom Mariani

Carol Gilbert and Matt Arozian

Caroline and Peter Wayner

Carolyn and John Boitnott

Carroll, Jack*

Cassandra and Robert Black

Castronovo, Ingrid

Catherine Evans and David Goldstein

Catherine Heuer and Jeffrey Huber

Cathy Dryden and Dean Uhler

Catler, Susan*

Cavey, Rebecca

Celsy, Mylo

Chaitkin, Stuart*

Chalfant, Fred*

Chambliss, Deborah*

Chan, Thomas*

Chapin, David*

Charlene and Jay Simonds

Charles A. and Lois H. Miller Foundation

Charles and Diana Scott*

Charles and Lydia Duff*

Charles and Mary Meyer

Charles and Meredeth Wells*

Charles and Shirley Smith*

Charles and Susan Minor*

Charlotte and Charles Trainor *

Charrier, Jacqueline *

Chason, Patricia

Chenoweth, Sarah

Chenoweth, Sarah*

Chong, Sue Lin

Chris and Cynthia Whitaker

Chris Taylor and Thom Shipley*

Chrismer, Jim*

Christhilf, P. Raab

Christine and Christopher Myers*

Christoph, Erica*

Christopher Schisler and Robert Stimmel

Churchill, Robin*

Cindy and Tom Kelly

Citerone, Fay

Claiborne, Jonathan*

Clapp, Ann

Clark, Meredith*

Clark, Michele*

Clarke, Emily*

Clegg, Rae Ellen

Clemins, Karen

Cleva, Elise

Clifford, Brett

Clifton, Penny

Close, Craig

Clouse, Thomas*

Cogswell, Edwin

Cohen, Alan*

Cohen, Judy

Cohen, Pamela

Cole, Richard*

Coleman, Larry*

Colletta, Andrew

Collins, Holiday*

Compton, Matthew*

Conkwright, Terry

Connolly, Marion*

Connolly, Pamela

Connor, Joseph*

Cookingham, Linda

Cooper, Mary

Coreil-Allen, Graham

Corell, Calvin*

Cormeny, Nancy*

Costello, Robyn

Courtenay and Maurice Hoag

Cox, Carol*

Craig, Jill*

Craig, Sally

Cramer, Nancy*

Cramer, Paul

Craun, Margaret

Creamer, Gordon

Creamer, Kate

Creamer, Susan

Crew, Rebecca*

Cripps, Lynn

Cronin, Carol

Cross and Brenda O’Donovan

Cross, Charlotte

Cross-Barnet, Michael*

Crymes, Cathy

Culler, Karen*

Cullman, Nikken*

Cummings, Barbara*

Curtis, Barbara

D’Adamo, Margaret

Daddazio, Carol*

Dahl, Ann*

Daley, Margaret*

Dalsimer, Linda*

Daly, Vincent

Damie and Diane Stillman

Dan and Rene Pallace*

Danesie, Stephanie*

Daniel B. and Gina D. Hirschhorn

Danz Jr, John*

Darnell, Michael

Darryl and Mary Jurkiewicz

David and Bonnie Allan

David and Elizabeth Hancock

David and Jan Chapin

David and Jo Gadsby

David and Marilyn Warshawsky*

David and Mindy Hayes

David and Nancy Blois*

David Ditman and Denise Valancius-Ditman

Davis Nichols, Debbie

Davis, Jennifer*

Davis, Maureen*

Deardorff, Virginia

Deb and Jeff Chamblee

Deborah and Bernard Rabin

Deborah and Donald Scott

Deborah and Howard Berman

Deborah Diehl and Jonathan Claiborne

DeGroff, Marion*

Deibel, Carol

DeMarco, Sally*

Dembski, Mike

Demirjian, John

Demma, Rachel

Dendrinos, John

Denholm, Patricia

Denton, Heidi

Denzler, James

DeRosa, Susan

Derricks, Valerie

DeStefano, Jessie*

Deters, Philip*

Devlin, Thomas*

Di Prospero, Adriana

Diamond, Margaret*

Diana and Donald D’Agati

Diana and Larry Schramm

Dianne and Charles Feldman

Dibos, Paul*

Dickersin, Kay*

DiDonato, John*

Diebold, Julie*

Diffenderffer, R.B.*

DiLaura, Alice

Disharoon, Richard*

Disney, Elizabeth

Disney, Elizabeth*

Dissinger, Maureen

Diuguid, Lewis

Dobbs, Judy

Dobbyn, Angela*

Donald and Joanna Kann

Donohue, Carolyn

Donovan, Courtney*

Donovan, Sharon*

Dopkin, Michael

Dordai, Donna

Dorn, Patrick

Dorsey, Karin

Dorsey, Myrtle

Dorsey-Shaner, Laura*

Doug and Joan Campbell

Doug Kelso and Claudia Sennett*

Dougherty, Julie

Douglas, Todd

Dowling, Michael*

Downing, Shawn

Doyle, Judy

Dr. and Mrs. Allan Jensen

Dr. and Mrs. William Kreul

Dr. Thomas Smith and Dr. Joann Bodurtha*

Drake, Andrea*

Drexler, Sarah

Dru Schmidt-Perkins and Louis Perkins

Druckman, Dolph

Dube, Paula

Duncan and Maxine Hodge*

Dunsworth, Leslie*

Dusman, Dale

Duvall, Peter

Dyer, Dolly*

Dyer, Dolores*

E Mitchell, Kristen*

Eason, Nancy

Eberhart, Linda

Eckenstein, Dominik

Ed and Aviva Hord*

Ed and Christine Crawford

Ed and Jo Orser

Ed and Sue Dickey*

Eddy, John


Edward and Sallie Papenfuse

Eines, Ellie*

Eli Pousson and Dinah Winnick

Elizabeth and Gordon Bryson

Elizabeth Cusick and Geoffrey Himes*

Elliott, Clare

Elliott, Patricia

Engel, Jennifer

Eppler, Eric*

Eric and Esther Frey*

Escobosa, JoAnn

Espaillat, Nicole*

Ettinger, Susan

Everest, Robert*

Ewertz, Marjorie*

Exelon Foundation

Fava, Thomas

Feige, Donald

Feigelman, Susan

Felsten, Janet*

Fenton, Matthew*

Fernandes, Paula*

Festa, Jeannette*

Fickensher , Lisa*

Fifield, Rebecca*

Fink, Renee*

Finnerty, Carolyn

Fisher, Joan

Fishman, Sara

Fisk, Betsy

Fleishman, Ruth

Flood, Michael*

Florence and Francis Falatko*

Flottemesch, Barbara*

Flynn, Janice*

Foertsch, David

Fogelson, Laurence*

Forgach, John

Forster, Marjorie*

Foster, Linda

Fox, Jaclyn

Francis and Carolyn Knott*

Francis, Barbara

Fransen, Beverly

Franyo, Gigi*

Fraquelli, Dorothy*

Fred Shoken and Donna Beth Joy Schapiro

Frederick, Pamela

Freed, James*

Freedlander, Jonathan

French, Judith*

French, Julie*

Frenkil, Steven

Frideberg, Charlton*

Froide, Amy

Frost, Elisa

Fruman, Arnold

Fry, Jim

Fuhrmann, Sue

Fung, Phyllis*

Funkhouser, Rick*

Gaegler, Robert*

Galbreath, John*

Gall, Elizabeth

Galleher, Earl*

Galvez, Ginger

Gamper, Thomas

Gardiner-Ferretto, Mary Faith*

Garman, Allison*

Gary and Judith Floam

Gary Sachau and William Robertson

Gatchell, Richard*

Gavin, Barbara

Geist, John

Genovese, Lenora

George Lavdas and Jeremy Walston

Gernert, James

Gerr, Melissa*

Gessesse, Heywan

Gewanter, Ira

Gilbert, Teresa*

Giles, Ellen*

Gillett, John

Gillette, Susan*

Gilman-Forlini, Jackson

Gilpin, Richard

Gittings, Neil

Giulliano, Michael

Glassman, Molly

Glaze, Paige

GLB Concrete Construction*

Gleason, Bryan

Gleason, David*

Glenn and Susan Carey*

Glenn, Susan*

Goble Jr, James

Goerling, Rita

Gold, Amy*

Gold, Joe

Goldberg, Judith*

Goldman, Alice*

Goldstein, Shelley*

Gonzalez, A. J.

Gooch, Cheryl Renee*

Goodrich, Carolyn

Goody, Brigid

Gordon, Ann Clary*

Gordon, Lauren*

Gorman, Clare

Gossett, Anne*

Gottert, Leslie

Gould, Amy*

Gournay, Isabelle*

Graham, Julia*

Graves, Carole

Gray, Jefferson

Gray, la Verne

Green, Krista*

Green, Mary Jo*

Green, Virginia*

Greene, Jimell

Greene, Shelley

Greenstein, Ira

Greg Pease and Kelly Baumgartner*

Gregory Baranoski and Lucio Gama*

Grenzer, Jeanne

Griffin, Joyce

Guarda, Angela*

Guyer, Bernard

Fava, Thomas

Feige, Donald

Feigelman, Susan

Felsten, Janet*

Fenton, Matthew*

Fernandes, Paula*

Festa, Jeannette*

Fickensher, Lisa*

Fifield, Rebecca*

Fink, Renee*

Finnerty, Carolyn

Fisher, Joan

Fishman, Sara

Fisk, Betsy

Fleishman, Ruth

Flood, Michael*

Florence and Francis Falatko*

Flottemesch, Barbara*

Flynn, Janice*

Foertsch, David

Fogelson, Laurence*

Forgach, John

Forster, Marjorie*

Foster, Linda

Fox, Jaclyn

Francis and Carolyn Knott*

Francis, Barbara

Fransen, Beverly

Franyo, Gigi*

Fraquelli, Dorothy*

Fred Shoken and Donna Beth Joy Schapiro

Frederick, Pamela

Freed, James*

Freedlander, Jonathan

French, Judith*

French, Julie*

Frenkil, Steven

Frideberg, Charlton*

Froide, Amy

Frost, Elisa

Fruman, Arnold

Fry, Jim

Fuhrmann, Sue

Fung, Phyllis*

Funkhouser, Rick*

Gaegler, Robert*

Galbreath, John*

Gall, Elizabeth

Galleher, Earl*

Galvez, Ginger

Gamper, Thomas

Gardiner-Ferretto, Mary Faith*

Garman, Allison*

Gary and Judith Floam

Gary Sachau and William Robertson

Gatchell, Richard*

Gavin, Barbara

Geist, John

Genovese, Lenora

George Lavdas and Jeremy Walston

Gernert, James

Gerr, Melissa*

Gessesse, Heywan

Gewanter, Ira

Gilbert, Teresa*

Giles, Ellen*

Gillett, John

Gillette, Susan*

Gilman-Forlini, Jackson

Gilpin, Richard

Gittings, Neil

Giulliano, Michael

Glassman, Molly

Glaze, Paige

GLB Concrete Construction *

Gleason, Bryan

Gleason, David*

Glenn and Susan Carey*

Glenn, Susan*

Goble Jr, James

Goerling, Rita

Gold, Amy*

Gold, Joe

Goldberg, Judith*

Goldman, Alice*

Goldstein, Shelley*

Gonzalez, A. J.

Gooch, Cheryl Renee*

Goodrich, Carolyn

Goody, Brigid

Gordon, Ann Clary*

Gordon, Lauren*

Gorman, Clare

Gossett, Anne*

Gottert, Leslie

Gould, Amy*

Gournay, Isabelle*

Graham, Julia*

Graves, Carole

Gray, Jefferson

Gray, la Verne

Green, Krista*

Green, Mary Jo*

Green, Virginia*

Greene, Jimell

Greene, Shelley

Greenstein, Ira

Greg Pease and Kelly Baumgartner*

Gregory Baranoski and Lucio Gama*

Grenzer, Jeanne

Griffin, Joyce

Guarda, Angela*

Gunnar Fisher and Diana Curran

Guyer, Bernard

Hagan, Sheila

Hahn, Susan*

Haislip, Carol

Haley and Joel Kantziper

Hall, Carol*

Hallock, Frieda*

Haltiwanger, David

Haltzel, Jodi*

Hamaker, Jonathan

Hamilton, Susan

Hammid, Julia

Hancock, David*

Handley, Jacquelyn*

Hankey, Jean*

Hanly, Katherine

Hanson, Alan

Hardiman, Joseph*

Hardy, Bill*

Harenberg, Darlene*

Harman, Susan

Harold and Mary Graul

Harris, Nancy

Harrison, Katherine*

Harrison, Reed

Harrison, Sarah

Hartka, Janet

Hartka, M.J.

Hartke, Carol

Hassel, Lauren*

Hastings, Robert*

Hawes, Nina

Hawthorne, Patricia

Hayden, Paul

Hayes, Daniel*

Hearn, Katie*

Hedlund, Carel*

Hedlund, Linda*

Held, Kirsten

Helena Wright and Robert Vogel

Helinski, Maureen

Hellman, Elissa*

Hellwig, Louise*

Hemler, Unknown*

Heninger, Polly*

Henricksen Thompson, Susan

Henrietta and Christopher Keller

Henry and Sarah Lord

Henry Dugan and Caroline Griffin

Henry Kay and Beth Harber

Herbert, Randy*

Hessler, Charles

Hettchen, William

Hicks, Tanya*

Higgins, Sheri

Hilgenberg, John*

Hill, Martha*

Hillman, Richard*

Himmelrich Associates

Hinderberger, Peter

Hirtle, Peter*

Hobbs, Rodney

Hodges, Karen

Hoff, Robert

Hoffman, Steven

Hogan, Brenna*

Holdridge, Barbara

Hollie, Donna T.*

Hollifield, William

Holmes, Philip

HomeFinishers Handyman Services

Hope, Jenny

Hopper, Ethna

Horvath, Ann

Hossfeld, Jeffrey*

Houson, Judy

Howard, Daniel

Howell Baum and Madelyn Siegel*

Howell, Ann

Howison, Clarissa*

Howze, Warren*

Hubble, Paula*

Huber-Plano, Sharon*

Hughes, Elizabeth

Hull, Doris

Humphreys, Lesley

Hunter, David*

Hurt, Christine*

Hutchins, Stuart

Hutson, Harry

Isennock, Patricia

Israel, Jean

Jack and Byrd Wood

Jack and Cynthia Burkert

Jack, Eric*

Jackel, Stephanie

Jacklynn and John Krick*

Jackson, Joe*

Jacobson, Joan

Jacobson, Kurt

Jadie and Gregory Mayes

James and Deborah Pickett*

James and Shona Adleberg*

Jan Mooney and Kurt Schiller*

Jana Carey and Ben Yuhas

Jane and George Keller

Jane Polanka and Jim Peiffer*

Janet Marie Smith and Barton Harvey*

Janice and Richard Cox

Jarosinski, Kathleen*

Jason Shellenhamer and Lisa Kraus

Jeff and Brandy Tomhave

Jeff and Judith Gardner*

Jeff Murray and Vigdis Jacobsen

Jeffrey and Laura Penza

Jenkins, Carroll

Jenny and Steve Carson

Jensen, Robert

Jesse and Deborah Hellman

Jill and Miles Goodman

Jillson, Cynthia*

Jo and Bruce Van Wely

Joanne and James Baker*

Joe and Peggy Cronyn*

Johanson, Amy*

John and Donna Folkemer

John and Elizabeth Howard*

John and Joyce Maclay

John and Patricia Leith-Tetrault*

John and Sheila Scollan

John and Sue Talbott*

John Connolly and Abbott Bolte

John Kyle and Peter Satten*

John Massad and Pamela Tuma

John O’Hara and Carol Baumerich*

John Sondheim and Emily R. Greenberg

Johns, Sherri

Johns, Stephanie*

Johnson, Judith*

Jonas, Alex*

Jones, Carmen

Jones, Joan

Jones, Ken

Joseph and Margaret Schaefer

Joseph Schamp and Carol Newill

Josselyn, Michele*

Joust, Patrick

Joyce and Frank Margolis

Joyce and Stephen Oliner*

Judges, William*

Judith and Jeffrey Kremen*

Julie Canard and Jerry Murphy

Julie Marx and Jeff Thompson*

Julie Thorne and Mike Rynd

Jurkiewicz, Darryl*

Kafer, Madison

Kahan, Ann H.*

Kangas, Linda*

Kann, Donald*

Kaplan, Pamela

Karrs, Robert

Karzai, Helmand*

Kasoff, Donna

Kathleen and Michael Kotarba

Kathy Sabatier and Rick Funkhouser

Katsereles, Bill

Katz, Gregory*

Katz, Hannah*

Katzenberg, Roger & Liz*

Kauffman, Karen*

Kaufman , Rebekah

Kayne, Ilene*

Keating, Margie*

Keck, Maureen*

Keech, Sharon

Keehn, Robert

Kell, Amanda*

Keller Uy, Joyce*

Keller, Jane*

Kellermann, Mark

Kelley, Alice*

Kelly, Lee

Kelly, Miriam Winder*

Kelly-Washington, Lauren

Ken and Maureen Reightler

Kennedy, Nancy*

Kerr, Harriet*

Kesecker, Lisa

Kienlen, Joan

Kimbrel, Barbara

Kimel, Aileen*

King, Gregory

King, Nicole*

King, Raymond

Kingsley, Christopher*

Kinniff, Jenny*

Kirby, Patty*

Kirk, Raissa*

Klair, Dianne*

Klinefelter, Standard

Knepper, Randolph

Knight, Melvin

Knowles, Anne*

Knuppel, Ilka*

Kochanski, David

Koerber, Bryan

Kopp, Harry*

Koronowski, Edward*

Krafchik, Melissa

Kreeger, Joan

Krentz, Diane

Kretkowski, Christine*

Krogh, Marla*

Kuhl, Timothy*

Kunik, Joeanne*

Kuntz, Scott

Kurtz, Ralph  *

Kyler, Panelpha*

LaCombe, Philip

LaFave, Taylor

LaHatte, Bernard

Lamdin, David*

Landa, Edward*

LaRoche, David

Lasker, April*

Laura and Barrett Freedlander

Laurence Fogelson and Eileen Manchester

Lawrence, Joan

Layman, Eleanor*

Leahy, James

Leahy, James*

Lee and Kathy Watkins

Lee and Tina Sheller

Lee, Bethany

Leimbach, Bill*

Leimbach, Telfair

Leimkuhler, Urban

Lennon, Mary Beth*

Leslie and Bruce Greenwald

Lett, Ronald

Levering, Phoebe*

Levin Lapides, Suzanne*

Levin, Michael*

Levy, Harris

Lewand, Beth

Lewand, Robert

Lewis, Edward

Lewis, Eileen

Lewis, Stefanie*

Libby, Jean*

Liberto, Samuel*

Liebel, Tom*

Liebmann, George*

Lilly, Anne*

Lilly, Linda

Liming, Christine

Lin, Julianna*

Linda and Gary Heubeck*

Linda and John Butt

Linda and Roger Lark*

Lindberg, Iris

Lipinski, Marian

Lisa and Duncan Keir

Lisa Morgan and Timothy Goldsmith

Littlefield, Patricia

Lockwood, Ronald

Lois and Mike Mannes*

Long, Beverly*

Long, Margaret*

Louis and Mary Triandafilou

Lovett, Rachel

Low, Bernadette

Lubell, Paul

Lucas, Frank

Lucksted, Alicia

Lucy and Paul McKean

Lupien, Miriam

Lutz, Sharon

Lynn and Phil Rauch*

Lynn, Jane*

Lyons, Linda*

Macht, Carol*

MacMillan, Jane*

Madigan, Timothy*

Maillar, Ellen*

Majerik, Anne

Makarovich, Michal*

Marcia and Jim Tingey

Marconi, Gerard

Margaret and Charles Reid

Margaret Meyer and Arthur Boyd

Maria Wawer and Ron Gray

Marian and Jim Colimore*

Mark and Joanne Pollak

Mark and Susan Counselman

Marsalek, Kenneth

Marsh, Jeanne*

Marvin and Sara Bigham

Mary Ellen and Adrian Bergin

Mary Mashburn and Steve St. Angelo

Mary Page Michel and Mike Morrill

Maryland Center for History and Culture

Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development

Maryland Historical Trust

Maslan, Sylvia

Mason, Bruce

Massuda, Cindy*

Matusky, Patricia

Mayes, Jadie*

Mazo, Hannah

McCart, Maureen

McCausey, Bonnie

McClain, Carolyn

McConnell, Jane*

McConnell, Laura

McCormick, Kevin*

McDaniel, John*

McDaniel, Sean *

McDonough, Claire*

McGlinchey, Larry

McGrath, Michael

McGraw, Paul

McKay, Ken*

McKenna, Bernard

McKibbin, David*

McKinley, Sharon*

McLain Wiesand*

McLaughlin, Ellen*

McLaurin, Claire*

Meeks, Wallis*

Meier, Harriet*

Meisol, Patricia

Melamed, Julia

Meringolo, Denise

Merrill Alterman and Ed Rosenfeld

Merrow, S.B.

Messick, Richard*

Metz, Patricia

Meyer, Mary*

Michael and Denise Halstad

Michael Booth and Kristine Smets

Michael J. Walkley, PA*

Michael Stein and Ilene Harris*

Michael, Kurt

Michelle Scoville and Michael Burke*

Miller, Bonnie

Miller, Douglas

Miller, George*

Miller, John*

Miller, Kendrick

Miller, Linda*

Miller, Rick

Miller, Wesson

Milne, Gail

Milukas, Susan*

Mint, Priscilla

Misiak, Jodie

Mitchel and Penelope Wald

Mitchell, David*

Mitchell, Kathleen*

Mohammad Mahmoudi

Mongelluzzo, Mark*

Montefiore, Jean*

Moorman, Lu

Morehead, Richard

Moreland, Lisa

Morley, Karen

Morrell, Carin

Morrell, Shirley

Morrill, Paul

Morrison, Ellen

Morton, Sandra

Moscareillo, Susan

Moser, Elizabeth

Mount Washington Garden Club

Mr. and Mrs. O. James Talbott, II*

Mullen, Sarah

Mullins, Lisa*

Mullins, Tom*

Mundroff, Lili

Munro, Douglas

Murdoch, Mara*

Murray, Barkley

Myers III, Charles

Myers, Brett

Myers, Michael

Myron Oppenheimer and Maxine Cohen

Nancy and Fred Duggan

Nancy and Joseph Stanley

Nancy and Mark Supik

Nancy and Richard Bradley

Nancy King and Karen Robb

Naos, Barbara*

Natalie and Charles Ellis

Nathan Dennies and Alyssa Brown

Neil and Sayra Meyerhoff*

Nelson, Travers*

Nesbitt, John

Nevaldine, Linda

Newton-Treadway, Rik*

Nichols, Deborah Davis

Nicole Diehlmann and P.J. Duhig*

Nilson, Elizabeth

Noller, Jackie*

Noreen and Randy Herbert

Novak, Pat*

Noyes, Harvey*

Nyweide, David*

Obaza, Jane Kentch*

Obradovic, Linda*

Odette, Ann*

O’Donnell, Maureen

Ohler, Randy*

Oloizia, Richard

Olson, Valerie

Opecko, Michael

O’Rourke, Eileen

Orr, Robert

Ortiz, Timothy

O’Shea, Dennis

Osondu, Chimezie

Otto, Terry*

Owens, Spencer*

Pack, Stacey*

Packard, David*

Palkovitz, Jeffrey

Palmer, Carol*

Palmer, Michael*

Pamela Mahoney and Mark Lidinsky

Panopoulos, Phyllis

Papagni, John

Parker, Penny

Parker, Sylvia Lee*

Parnes, Stephen*

Parshall, Anne

Parsons, Anne

Parsons, Sarah

Pat and Bob Orr

Pat and Nick Manos*

Pat and Robert Welch

Patricia and Aaron Parker*

Patrick McMahon and Meg Stoltzfus

Paul and Mary Anne Kowzan

Paul and Mary Kay LePage  *

Paul Martin and Susanne Morsberger*

Pearce, Matthew

Pearce, Sharon Lina

Peck, Leigh*

Pelton, Nancy*

Penelope and Garrett Power

Penny George and Mark Trunk

Peno, Steven*

Perl, Susan

Perzinski, Curtis

Peter Morrill and Melissa Archer

Peterson, Christine

Petrie, Susan*

Pfingsten, Chris*

Phibbs, Judith

Philip and Nancy Kennedy

Phillips, Craig*

Phillips, Debbie

Phyllis Fung and John Mariani

Pine, Penelope*

Pirotte, Katharine

Plaine, Mary

Plumer, Mary*

Plummer, Leslie

PNC Bank

Poirier, Myrna

Politakis, Nick*

Pollak, Joanne*

Pomykala, Anne*

Pontius, Geraldine*

Populoh, Ursula*

Porter, Beth*

Porter, Gloria

Porter, Wayne*

Powell, Andy

Prior, Christina

Prouser, Traci*

Pumphrey, Jack*

Pyun, Seongjoon*

Questers Baltimore Chapter*

Quint, Peter

Rabben, Linda*

Raben, Marian*

Rachek, Patricia*

Ralph Brown and Elaine Kasmer

Ramberg, Walter Dodd*

Randall, Cathy

Ranon, Anath

Ransom, Gene

Rasinen, Miia

Ray Hofmann and Tori Simms

Raymond and Catherine Sachs

Raymond, Margaret

Reardon, Mary

Reazer, Brandy*

Rebecca and Darren Crew

Rebecca Brown and Tom Scuderi

Redden, Gretchen*

Redmond, Thomas*

Reed, Dana*

Reid LaClair and Rebecca Hanson

Reis, Richard*

Reynolds, Benjamin

Reznick, Seema*

Richard and Beverly Gutmann*

Richard and Mariam Haar

Richardson, Mary Lee

Richardson, Suzanne

Richmond, Barry

Rickert, Craig*

Riemer, Justin

Rife, Penny*

Riley, Sarah A.*

Ritterhoff, Claire

Ritterhoff, Judy

Robert and Caroline Lyke*

Robert and Claire Gisriel

Robert and Kate Goldstein

Robert and Shifra Weinberg

Robert and Susan Blum*

Robert and Susan Wurtz

Robert and Virginia Hanson

Robert and Wendy Davis*

Robert Burke and Helen Blumberg

Roberta Strickler and David Meyers*

Robertson, Carolyn

Robin Minor and Russell Atscano

Robinson, Jennifer*

Rock, Michael

Romaine and Frank Somerville

Ronald and Pat Pilling

Ronald Huffman and M.J. Tooey

Rose Bramble and Susan Dobry

Rosemarie and Evans Paull*

Rosen, Bev

Rosenbaum, Leslie

Rosenfeld, Gayle*

Rosenhauer, Joan*

Rosholt, Jack

Rosner, Naomi

Ross, John

Rossman, Claire

Roush, Carol*

Rovito, Annette

Rubin, Dorothy

Rucker, Susan

Rudow, Stephen

Ruffner, Jennifer

Russell, David

Ruttley, James*

Ruzicka, Joseph

Ruzicka, Joseph*

Rybczynski, Robert

Sabas, Jo Anne

Sack, George

Sagner, Stephen*

Sallese, Carl

Sally and Mike Johnston

Sally Otto and Anthony Warchal

Sandra and Robert Schmidt

Sanford, Edyth*

Santa-Maria, Serafina

Sara and Ben Langmead*

Sattler, Stephen

Saunders, Deborah

Savage, Pat

Scally, Ruth*

Scepaniak, Jacquelyn

Scepaniak, Michael

Schamp, Joseph*

Scharmen, Fred

Scharper, Mia*

Schaumburg, Wayne

Scheffel, Ursula

Schepis, Laura*

Scher, Dena

Scherlis, Barbara*

Schisler, Christopher*

Schiszik, Lauren*

Schlegel, Brad

Schlegel, William*

Schlenoff, Geri*

Schmitz, Gordon

Schreiber, Brendan

Schreiberg, Sharon

Schreter, Carol

Schroedl, Evelyn*

Schultz, Kathleen

Schulz, Peter

Schwab, Emelie*

Schwark, Eleanor

Schwartz, Cathy*

Scott, Sally

Scott, Sean

Seivert, Thomas

Sexton, Carlton*

Seyler, Allison

Shade, Neil

Shaffer, Mark

Shapleigh, Shari*

Sharkey, Doris

Sharon and Bill Reuter

Shaun Carrick and Ronald Griffin

Sheehe, Jack

Sheila and Howard Maleson*

Sheila and Thomas Peter*

Shepard, Ruthann

Sheppard, Mark

Sherry and Vince DeFrancisci

Shetler, James

Shimshak, Mark*

Shivers, Lottie*

Shockley, Jay*

Shopes, Linda

Shprentz, Deborah*

Siegel, Brian

Siemon, John*

Simonds, Jay*

Sipple, M Noel

Sizer, Michael*

Sklenka, Sara

Smith, Abbe

Smith, Ann

Smith, April

Smith, Bruce

Smith, Charlie

Smith, Claire*

Smith, Emily*

Smith, Gordon*

Smith, Kathy*

Smith, Linda*

Snellings, Albert

Solomon, Gary

Sorenson, Peter*

South, Anne & Tony*

Southway Builders*

Spamer, Helen*

Spicer, Joaneath

Spratley, Jeanette*

Spratt, Jennifer E.*

Sprecher, Milford

Stahl, Ruth

Stallings, Jo Ann  *

Stang, Michael

Stanley and Dorah Brager

Stanley and Freda Thawley

Steele, John

Stein, Dana  *

Stein, Sue

Stein, Virginia

Steinhorn, David

Stenchly, Mary-Louise

Stephen and Mary Sprecher*

Steve and Mary Beth Halpern

Steve and Monty Howard

Steve Ziger and Jamie Snead

Stewart, Linda*

Stieglitz, Michelle*

Stilwell, Michael

Stokes, Emma*

Stoll, Mike*

Stone, Barbara

Stosur, Thomas

Stout, Peggy

Strong, Marlene

Strong, Shannon

Strott, Megan*

Strubel, Karen*

Stuelpnagel, Virginia*

Subhash, Hari

Suda, Jean

Sue Brooks and Tim Fabiszak

Suess, Douglas

Sullivan, Elizabeth*

Sumler, Claudia*

Susan and Carl Hossfeld*

Susan and Hutch Vernon

Susan and Oswald Johnston

Susan and Peter Van Buren

Susan Somerville-Hawes and Gregg Hawes*

Susan Soohoo and Jim Reynolds*

Suskin, Ursula*

Suzanna and Jon Yench

Swift, Chris*

Sydnor, Wilmina

Sykes, Alice*

Tag, Nancy*

Tag, Nancy E.*

Tamargo, Teresa*

Taniguchi, Christeen*

Tannen, Peter

Taylor, Deborah

Teresa and Eric Ewen

Terra Nova Ventures LLC

Terrell, China

Terrill, K. Dale

Terry Holthause and Jeff Kunce*

The Greater Cincinnati Foundation*

Thomas and Daryan Ver Ploeg

Thomas and Sue Rinker

Thomas, Irene

Thomas, Richard*

Thompson, Dustin

Thompson, Lisa*

Thompson, Michelle

Thornbery, Carrie

Thornton, Laura

Tillman, Elva

Tilson, Michael*

Tina and William Wittelsberger

Tod Myers and Lois Schenck*

Tolley, Deb

Tom and Christine Delise

Tom and Mary Kay Ricks*

Tondro, Helle*

Torres, Beth

Torres, Donald

Town, Stephanie

Townsend and Robert Kent

Trask, Jeff*

Trautwein, John*

Tremitiere, Duke

Trescott, Bruce

Trexler, Paul

Triandafilou, Louis*

Tricia and John Walther

Trimble, Elizabeth*

Troy, David and Jennifer

Truax, Brian*

Tumminello, Anelle

Tyler, Ann*

Tzameret, Idan

Urdang, Amy

van Bronkhorst, Kelly

Vander Horst, Kathleen

Vasold, Carolyn*

Vazquez, Kathleen*

Vernon, Susan*

Veystrk, Deborah*

Vidor, Mark*

Villa Santa, Marguerite*

Vincent Ercolano and Kristen Whitney

Vincent Tobin and Elizabeth Sullivan

Vining, Eileen*

Virginia and Joseph Byrnes*

Virginia Naylor and Jim Potter*

Visco, Dennis

Viviane and Joseph Gentile*

Vogel, Robert  M.*

Volk, Beth*

von Reyn, John

Vronch, Lisa

Wade, Lea*

Wagner, Frances

Wagner, Mark

Wagner, Richard

Wait, Susan

Walker, Sherrye

Walker, Thomas*

Walsh, Dee*

Walter and Nancy Schamu

Walther Charitable Trust

Walther, Susan*

Wang, Xin*

Ward, Deborah*

Ward, John*

Ward, Lisa*

Washington, Mary

Waxter, Susan*

Webb, Linda

Weber, Amy

Weiner, Deborah*

Weinstein, Matthew*

Weinzapfel, Tracy*

Weiskittel, Harriot*

Weiss, Allison*

Weiss, JC

Weiss, Karin E.*

Wells, Anne*

Wells, Beth

Wells, Christine

Wells, Elizabeth*

Welsh, Mary

Welsh, Ralph

Wendy and Talbot Albert

Weston, Ellen

Wexler, Ira

Whipple, Erik*

Whitaker, Chris*

White, Andrew

White, Barbara*

White, George

White, James

White, Matt

White, Patricia

Whiteheart, Rachel

Whitman, Margaret

Wiesand, David

Wiese, Robert*

Wiggins, Rose*

Wiker, Dominic

Wilkinson, Alice*

Will and Robin Tress

Will Backstrom and Tracy Lambros*

Willey, Claire

William and Barbara Boland

William and Harriet Kerr

William and Marion Carroll

William and Marnie Kelly*

Williams, Lisa

Williams, Richard

Willmes, Karen*

Wills, Patricia*

Wilson, Matthew

Wilson, Shari*

Wilson, Stan

Winder Kelly, Miriam

Winston and Marilyn Tabb

Winter, Beverly

Wisneski, Sue

Witzel, Carla*

Wizda, Janelle

Wolfson, Jane

Womack, Jacqueline

Wood, Byrd*

Wood, Dave*

Woodward, Hiram

Woolf, Howard*

Woolhiser, Susan*

Workman, Laura

Xanders, Marian

Yagi, Brian

Yelochan, Edward

Yevics , Patricia

Yockey, Dora*

Yoffe, Elieen

Yolanda and Frank Bruno

Young, Beverley

Zagarell, Sandra*

Zeit, Angela

Zellinger, Nancy

Zelnik, Dave

Zepp, Robert*

Zerden, Stanley

Zimmerman, Carol

Zimmerman, Cathie*

Zurbuchen, Elissa