Category: Preservation

Field Notes from Herring Run: Finding trouser buttons, teacups, and Delftware

Here is the latest update from Lisa Kraus and Jason Shellenhamer on our archaeological dig at the Eutaw Manor and Mill complex in Herring Run Park. Read on for Lisa and Jason’s journal entry from Tuesday, May 12, 2015 or look back at past entries from Monday and Sunday.

Today we continued our investigation of the earlier historical occupation of the site to the south of the Eutaw House cellar, and expanded the excavation to the west, in order to explore the area between Eutaw House and the Eutaw Mill.

Photograph by Lisa Kraus, 2015 May 12.
Photograph by Lisa Kraus, 2015 May 12.

The southern portion of the site continues to yield somewhat earlier artifacts than those recovered from the Eutaw cellar. Today, volunteers Megan Cooke, Sara Sette, Irene Smith, Kasey Johnson, Eva Schneiderman and Patty Dowd got to work and made some great discoveries, including a lovely piece of Nottingham-type stoneware (ca. 1690-1790) and a flat brass trouser or cuff button. Today’s efforts continue to point to an earlier dwelling somewhere nearby.

Meanwhile, Jason, aided by volunteers Jody Landers and Curtis Waters, began to explore the area north and west of the Eutaw House foundation. This area appears to have been open space during the occupation of Eutaw House (ca. 1760-1865), and the artifacts recovered are mostly domestic trash that date to that time period, and included a huge fragment of animal bone and the dainty rim of a blue and white porcelain teacup. Although we had fewer artifacts from these units, they provide important information about the way buildings and open spaces were arranged while the site was in use 150 years ago.

Photograph by Jason Shellenhamer, 2015 May 12.
Photograph by Jason Shellenhamer, 2015 May 12.

In the afternoon, volunteers Sarah, Eva, Ellen, Megan, Gene and Curtis helped investigate the western part of the site. Here we found more artifacts that seem to relate to the occupancy of Eutaw House, along with several that dated earlier. One exciting small find was a tiny piece of Tin-Glazed Earthenware, also known as Delftware, which had a long period of manufacture, but was most popular from the late 1600s through the late 1700s.

We also discovered further evidence of a prehistoric Native American presence on the site, but we’ll share more about that in our next post. Until then, many thanks to our enthusiastic volunteers and to everyone who stopped by to visit us today!

2015 May 12
2015 May 12

Field Notes from Herring Run: Getting to the bottom of the Eutaw House cellar hole

We are continuing to share field notes from Lisa Kraus and Jason Shellenhamer as they lead our archaeological dig in Herring Run Park. Read on for Lisa and Jason’s second journal entry – dated Monday, May 11, 2015 – or look back at yesterday’s update and our gallery of photos.

We had two goals when we arrived at the site this morning: the first was to get to the bottom of the Eutaw House cellar hole, which we accomplished! It took all day, but dedicated digging by volunteers Kasey Johnson and Ernie Dimler helped us expose the cellar floor, which turned out to be native bedrock.

2015 May 11
Stone wall and cellar hole, 2015 May 11

Now we have a much better understanding of the sequence of events that followed the burning of the house in 1865. We continued to find pieces of serving dishes and teawares amid the rubble today, which is of particular interest given what we know of the history of the Hall family, who lived in the house when it burned. They were preparing to host several guests in honor of a young family member’s christening when the house caught fire. Many of the plates and teacups we found in the rubble were likely set out in anticipation of that happy event.

2015 May 11
Volunteers moving dirt, 2015 May 11

Our second goal was to figure out what was going on in a test unit placed near what would have been the center of Eutaw House. Instead of uncovering a continuation of the cellar hole, which would not have extended across the entire footprint of Eutaw House, we discovered what appear to be remains of an earlier structure. We’ve been finding artifacts of slightly earlier date in this location, but not very many of them. We haven’t yet answered our questions about this complex area of the site – in fact, we have even more questions than when we started – but we’ll be tackling all of these as the work continues this week.

We’re also expanding the dig to include areas that would have been located outside Eutaw House, and will be trying to identify other spots that could contain intact remains of the house foundation. So there’s lots of interesting work to come!

2015 May 11
Lisa trying to figure out Unit 5, Photograph by Jason Shellenhamer, 2015 May 11

Field Notes from Herring Run: Meeting volunteers and finding Eutaw House

Over the next week, we’re excited to share updates the daily journal of archeologists Lisa Kraus and Jason Shellenhamer as they lead our archaeological dig in Herring Run Park. Read on for Lisa and Jason’s first journal entry and check out our gallery of photos from the first weekend of the dig.

When we first came to the Eutaw House site in the fall of 2014, we weren’t quite sure what we would find. We had studied historic maps, land records, newspaper archives, even paintings, and we knew that Eutaw, the home of wealthy merchant William Smith, must be nearby, but we couldn’t pinpoint its exact location.

During Smith’s lifetime, the view from the house would have included Herring Run, the Eutaw Mill and miller’s house, and several other tenant houses and outbuildings. While we were sure of the house’s general location, we were not confident that evidence of the house would still be present in the archaeological record.

Artifact, 2015 May 9.
Artifact, 2015 May 9.

On a brisk fall day, we came to a small bluff overlooking Herring Run and began digging a few holes known as shovel test pits. Almost at once, we identified traces of the house that once stood on the site and the people who occupied it: small broken pieces of dining and tea sets, bottle glass, tobacco pipe fragments, bricks, and several nails. Many of the artifacts were dateable from about 1760 to around 1860.

Eventually, we hit the jackpot! In one of our holes we encountered what looked like the top of a stone wall. Was the wall part of the foundation of William Smith’s 18th century manor house, called Eutaw, or some other outbuilding associated with the house? Or did we find the remains of something even earlier, perhaps the remains of a house that stood here before 1760? The only way to find out was to do more archaeology.

Luckily we have great neighbors who are also interested in the history of Eutaw and the greater Lauraville area. Members of the Northeast Baltimore History Roundtable, Baltimore Heritage and bunch of great volunteers are helping us uncover an astonishing archaeological site.

Young volunteer on top of the stone wall, 2015 May 10.
Young volunteer on top of the stone wall, 2015 May 10.

We started work this past Saturday, May 9th. The first place we explored was the mysterious stone building foundation we originally discovered in the Fall. Shortly after starting the excavation of our first test unit we rediscovered the wall. And as an added bonus, it appeared the building also had a cellar!

Finds from the first day, 2015 May 9.
Finds from the first day, 2015 May 9.

Was this wall part of the Eutaw House, or could it be a foundation to one of the outbuildings? The historical research we conducted on the property has provided some significant clues. A newspaper article from the 1850s tells us that Eutaw House was a substantial building (sixty feet on each side). A building that big would have been built on an equally substantial foundation. We also knew that in 1865, the Eutaw House burned down while guests were gathering there for the christening of one of the young family members.

While no one was hurt in the fire and much of the furniture was saved, the house itself burned down completely. Bad news for the Smith Family, but good for archaeologists: we knew if we found a burned foundation or blackened and melted artifacts, that would be persuasive evidence that we had found Eutaw House.

Cellar hole, 2015 May 10.
Cellar hole, 2015 May 10.

Starting Sunday morning, we began to explore the cellar and foundation wall further. As it turns out, it’s a pretty big wall, made of mortared, dressed fieldstone measuring approximately two feet wide. The foundation was certainly large enough to support the house described in the newspaper accounts.

As we began excavating the cellar hole, we found artifacts that had clearly been affected by fire: burned bricks and mortar, 19th-century teawares and serving dishes, melted bottle and window glass, and hundreds of burned nails. It appears we found the Eutaw House.

We’ve also found intriguing evidence of an even earlier structure nearby, possibly predating the 1760 Eutaw House. We’ll be investigating further this week as well. We’ve had some amazing volunteers this weekend, and it’s been a blast getting to know them as we continue solving the mystery of this incredible archaeological site. We’re excited to see what happens next – and we’ll keep you posted!

Archaeologists Jason Shellenhamer and Lisa Kraus, 2015 May 9.
Archaeologists Jason Shellenhamer and Lisa Kraus, 2015 May 9.

Herring Run Park Archaeology: Volunteers are digging for artifacts and answers in northeast Baltimore

Over the next two weeks, visitors to Herring Run Park can meet archaeologists Lisa Kraus and Jason Shellenhamer along with dozens of volunteers working together to uncover 200 years of hidden history. With support from Preservation Maryland, the Herring Run Park Archaeology project is bringing neighbors together to answer exciting questions about the history of northeast Baltimore and protect archaeological resources. Read on for a quick introduction to the project and details on the Herring Run Park Archaeology Open House Weekend, May 16-17.

Portrait of William Smith and His Grandson, Charles Wilson Peale, 1788. Courtesy Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.
Portrait of William Smith and His Grandson, Charles Wilson Peale, 1788. Courtesy Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.

On the park side of quiet Eastwood Drive, our team is searching for Eutaw – an 18th century country estate owned by William Smith. In addition to a long career as a merchant, Smith (not to be confused with General Samuel Smith) served as a representative from Maryland to the House of Representatives, the Maryland State Senate. Beyond this fascinating site, additional survey work (see the project update by archaeologist Lisa Kraus from last December) opened up new questions about a complicated landscape of archaeological remains that we hope to continue to explore through a nine-day excavation that begins this Saturday.

Eric HolcombBut this project is about more than history. Public archaeology bring neighbors together to share stories and preserve historic landscapes. For our third public archaeology project since 2011, we are excited to partner with the Northeast Baltimore History Roundtable and the Friends of Herring Run Parks. We are also glad to continue our partnerships with the Archeological Society of Maryland, Commission for Historical and Architectural Preservation, and Baltimore City Department of Recreation and Parks. Best of all are the amazing group of residents in Lauraville, Hamilton, and Arcadia who have championed this project over the past year. These residents who are donating their time and expertise to this effort and passionate about their community’s history. Local resident (and CHAP’s executive director) Eric Holcomb and his neighbor Rich Dowd even built the screens our volunteers will be using in the field!

Image courtesy Patty Dowd, Friends of Herring Run Parks.
Image courtesy Patty Dowd, Friends of Herring Run Parks.

You can still get involved as a volunteer or by sharing your own questions about the history of the park. Are you wondering who worked at the mills, the hotels, taverns, and farms that existed here in the 1800s? Did Native Americans establish settlements or camps here? How has the neighborhood changed over time, and what has stayed the same? Let us know your questions or ideas in the comments.

Herring Run Park Archaeology Open House Weekend

Saturday, May 16 or Sunday, May 17, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Stop by Herring Run Park at 3600 of Eastwood Drive, Baltimore, MD 21206

Northeast Baltimore residents, archaeology enthusiasts, students and families are all encouraged to stop by to learn more about historical archaeology and the history of Herring Run Park. We’ll be offering guided tours of the site at 10:00 am, 11:30 am, and 1:00 pm; family-friendly self-guided tours with the new TaleBlazer smartphone app; and opportunities to talk with the team and see the finds from the week of work in the park.

Photograph by Eli Pousson, November 2014.
Photograph by Eli Pousson, November 2014.


Updated 2015 May 7: The original version of this post incorrectly named Eutaw as the home of Samuel Smith. Eutaw was the property of William Smith and his cousin Samuel Smith lived nearby at Montebello. Our apologies for the error!

A nightime view of a large Victorian brick building with light shining from the windows.

With our shared heritage, we are undaunted in working for Baltimore’s future

As we reflect on the events of the past few days in Baltimore, our thoughts are with those who are working to make our historic city a better place – through pursuit of equal justice and the revitalization of historic neighborhoods. While damage to historic buildings is so far limited, iconic landmarks like the Arch Social Club on Pennsylvania Avenue, the city’s oldest Jewish cemetery on North Avenue, the Gwynns Falls Parkway (a brand-new addition to the City’s historic landmark list), and the 1887 American Brewery on Gay Street stood close to the scene of yesterday’s violence. This morning, I hope you will join us in thanking the people who are continuing their committed stewardship of these and other great places that mean so much to our city.

Looking forward, we believe that our work preserving the historic places that matter to our city’s history is needed as much now as ever. The Enoch Pratt Free Library’s Central Branch is open today just as it began: “for all, rich and poor without distinction of race or color.” On the Gwynns Falls Parkway, volunteers are out this morning planting flowers and giving the park a fine spring cleaning. Patterson Park is undamaged and any visitor to Observatory Hill will find locals as undaunted as when we faced down the British in 1814.

We will continue to use our calendar as a resource share community events. We also encourage you to get involved by coming to some of our upcoming talks and tours that explore our shared heritage and the lasting legacy of the city’s past. If there is one theme that stands out to me, it is that we are indeed all in this together.

We look forward to talking, walking, and working with you in the days and weeks ahead.