We need your help to find the past year’s best preservation projects. Are you….
- a homeowner who just finished a big restoration project? Or you know a neighbor who has?
- a builder or architect who worked on a unique adaptive reuse project last year?
- a volunteer with a community group preserving and celebrating historic places in Baltimore?
If you answered yes, then we want you to nominate your preservation project or heritage achievement for our 2016 Preservation Awards. Since 1961, we have given awards to hundreds of projects and people, from rowhouse renovations to brewery conversions, from authors of Baltimore history to civic groups saving our buildings and revitalizing our neighborhoods. We welcome nominations for projects large and small.
We keep our awards nomination process simple—all we need is a short description of the project or achievement, images, and names and contact information for the project partners. Learn more about our awards categories and review process then please send in your nomination today. Remember to make a nomination before our deadline on Wednesday, March 2, 2016. And don’t forget to stay tuned for the details on our annual awards celebration in June!