We need your help to find the past year’s best preservation projects as we get ready to give out our 2019 Preservation Awards. Please send in your a nomination by Friday, February 22!

Last year’s award recipients included the rehabilitation of Baltimore Center Stage, the restoration of the school library at Baltimore City College, the transformation of the Rec Pier into the Sagamore Pendry Hotel, and a book of photographs showing Baltimore’s unique collection of historic theaters. Our Preservation Project Awards recognize property owners, architects, contractors, and craftspeople who have recently completed rehabilitation, restoration, and adaptive reuse projects. Our Heritage Achievement Awards honor individual and organizations who have supported Baltimore’s historic buildings and neighborhoods through writing, advocacy, education, and community service.
Learn more about our award categories and guidelines then send in your nomination for a project award or achievement award today. Self nominations are welcome. We try to make the submission process straightforward but, if you run into trouble, please give me a call at 410-332-9992 or send me an email at hopkins@baltimoreheritage.org and I’ll be glad to help.
Thank you for helping us recognize and celebrate Baltimore’s many accomplished preservationists with this year’s awards. And look out for details on our annual awards celebration this spring.
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