Clifton Mansion


Baltimore Heritage is working closely with the Friends of Clifton Mansion, Civic Works, the youth training program that occupies the Mansion, and the Henry Thompson of Clifton Society, to promote the historic importance of the Mansion and its role in Baltimore’s future.


2701 Saint Lo Drive, Baltimore, MD 21213


Clifton Mansion was the summer home and remains only surviving residence of Johns Hopkins, the philanthropist who transformed higher education and medicine with his gifts to found The Johns Hopkins University, Hospital, and Medical School, and in the process helped create the field of modern philanthropy that continues to this day. It is also the former home of Henry Thompson, an important figure in the War of 1812 and early leader who helped shape Baltimore through road building, banking, and commerce. Clifton Mansion embodies the spirit of civic engagement that is at the center of American progress and prosperity and is as important today as it has been since it first began to rise on a hillside in northeast Baltimore over 200 years ago.

Read more at Explore Baltimore Heritage