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Resident concerns are shaping revisions to the B&P Tunnel Project

From the Preliminary Alternatives Screening Report (2014), B&P Tunnel Project.

After a year of input from Baltimore residents and our continued work through the Section 106 preservation review process, we are seeing real changes to the B&P Tunnel Project. Two public meetings this month are an opportunity for you to get an update on the project including new alternatives for the ventilation plant sited for Reservoir Hill.

Courtesy B&P Project Team
Image showing changes to south portal for Alternative 3B. Courtesy B&P Project Team

In the previous design (included in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement), Alternative 3A required the demolition of two historic properties. Now, Alternative 3A requires the demolition of a single building at the rear of the ACME building on Lafayette Avenue. For Alternative 3B, the change is even more significant. The number of residential building proposed for demolition are cut in half (from 46 to 22) and the total number of demolitions is down from 51 to 30. With these changes, Alternative 3B now includes preserving the historic Atlas Storage Company building and Engine House No. 36 on Edmondson Avenue.

In the previous design, both Alternative 3A and 3B required building a ventilation plant at the site of a community open space across from the Whitelock Community Farm. Reservoir Hill residents and the preservation review process raised serious concerns over what this ventilation plant meant for the open space and the future of Whitelock Street. In response, the B&P Tunnel project team identified three alternate sites for the ventilation plant—all located on North Avenue at the edge of the Reservoir Hill Historic District.

Courtesy B&P Project Team
Map of ventilation plant sites. Courtesy B&P Project Team

Additional information is available on the B&P Tunnel Project website including a more detailed comparison of Alternatives 3A and 3B before and after revisions.

April Open House Meetings

Wednesday, April 6, 2016, 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Frederick Douglass High School Cafeteria
2301 Gwynns Falls Parkway, Baltimore, MD 21207

Saturday, April 16, 2016, 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Carver Vocational-Technical High School Cafeteria
2201 W. Presstman Street, Baltimore, MD 21216

If you have any questions about the project or the meetings, contact Ms. Odessa Phillip, PE
Environmental Project Manager, Baltimore City Department of Transportation at (410) 396-6856. To be added to the official mailing list or to send your comments, you can e-mail

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