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Make a nomination for our 2015 Preservation Awards

Chase Brexton Health Center, 2014 Preservation Award Winner

What historic places have you seen restored in your neighborhood in the past year? Are you a home-owner celebrating the end of a jaw-dropping rehabilitation project? Or the architect behind an inspired example of adaptive reuse? We need your help to nominate Baltimore’s best in preservation projects and heritage achievements for our 2015 Historic Preservation Awards.

Lillie Mae Carroll Jackson House, Stairwell
Lillie Mae Carroll Jackson House, 2012 Award Winner

We launched our awards program in 1961 and,over the past fifty years, we have recognized close to 300 projects—everything from the rehabilitation of Seton Hill rowhouses to the amazing effort to save the American Brewery. In 2014, our awards celebration honored sixteen projects reflecting the work of over 100 individuals and local firms.

Take a look at our guidelines for more information about our awards categories and review process. Our nomination form is intended to be simple and easy – requiring only a short narrative about the project or achievement, images (before and after photographs are encouraged for all bricks-and-mortar project), and names and contact information for all project partners. Nominations must be submitted by Friday, March 6, 2015 for consideration by our review committee.

Please submit your nomination today then stay tuned for the details on our annual awards celebration in June!

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