Site icon Baltimore Heritage

St. Peter’s Cemetery Restoration Update

In October 2024, Baltimore Heritage held our annual awards event where we gave away 6 micro-grants to 6 very worthy community projects. One award went to the Friends of St. Peter’s Cemetery to support the restoration of this historic site in partnership with the PRINCE Program, which trains incarcerated citizens in cemetery preservation. Last week, we were able to visit the cemetery and see the valuable work being done here. The Baltimore Heritage micro-grant money was used in the last round of vegetation clearance and funded two additional days of clean-up.

Baltimore Heritage recently adopted a new strategic plan, along with new mission and vision statements. Each of these complements and supports community projects like the work being done by the Friends of St. Peter’s Cemetery.

Our new Mission Statement: To amplify Baltimore’s diverse cultural heritage through collaboration, advocacy, and education.

Our new Vision Statement: We create a thriving Baltimore by preserving, honoring and sharing our histories

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