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October CHAP Hearing Update: Edmondson Avenue Historic District

2400 block of West Lafayette Avenue within the proposed Edmondson Avenue Historic District.

This month’s edition in our new monthly series highlighting the hearing agenda for the Baltimore Commission for Historical and Architectural Preservation is an opportunity for us to share a bit about our own work on the proposed Edmondson Avenue National Register Historic Historic District. In partnership with the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Baltimore Heritage has been working in West Baltimore to establish new historic districts and enable home-owners in West Baltimore to access the state Sustainable Communities Tax Credit Program. With support from the Evergreen Protective Association, the Bridgeview/Greenlawn Neighborhood Improvement Association, the Alliance of Rosemont Community Organizations and West Baltimore MARC TOD, Inc. we have nominated nearly 1700 properties in West Baltimore to the National Register of Historic Places.

The neighborhoods within the proposed historic district have a rich architectural legacy including handsome daylight rowhouses, graceful Gothic churches, and well-built schools. In addition, this proposed designation recognizes the important social history of Greater Rosemont as a middle-class African American community that successfully resisted displacement from the threat of the “Highway to Nowhere” in the 1960s and 1970s. You can download a draft copy of the National Register of Historic Places nomination form here (PDF) or take a look at our photos from the Edmondson Avenue Historic District up on Flickr.

Other items on the CHAP Agenda include a concept review for a proposed addition to 524 South Hanover Street within the Otterbein Historic District and a continuation of last month’s discussion on the Mount Vernon Place Restoration Master Plan.

CHAP Agenda
October 12, 2010
Regular Session

12:00 Noon | Briefing Session

Chairman’s Report, Committee Reports, Staff Report

1:30 PM | Public Hearing

Minutes-September 13, 2010

1:30 PM | Historic Designation

Edmondson Avenue Historic District
Plan: Designate to the National Register of Historic Places
Certified Local Government Review
Eddie Leon, Staff presenter.

1:45 PM | Plans Review

1:45 PM | 524 South Hanover Street (Otterbein Historic District)
Plan: Construct addition-Concept review.
Jerome LeBlond, Owner.
Stacy Montgomery, Staff Presenter.

2:00 PM | Mount Vernon Place (Baltimore City Landmark, Baltimore City Historic District, National Historic Landmark District)
(Continuation of September 13, 2010 Hearing)
Plan: Concept review of Mount Vernon Place Restoration Master Plan as prepared by the Mount Vernon Place Conservancy.
Lance Humphries, Chair, Restoration Committee, Mount Vernon Place Conservancy.
Olin, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, Landscape Architects.
City of Baltimore, owner.
Eric Holcomb and Stacy Montgomery, Staff Presenters.

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