All of our core programs at Baltimore Heritage rely on volunteers to plan them, organize them, and run them. We’d like you to meet some of these great people, and so we’ve started a series called Volunteer Spotlight to share a little about those who are helping us make a difference.
Our second Volunteer Spotlight features Willy Sydnor, one of Baltimore Heritage’s longest serving volunteers. We are so grateful for her continued support and friendship!
Read the below Q&A session to get to know a little more about Willy.
Q: How did you get involved with Baltimore Heritage and how long have you volunteered with the organization?
A: I had known Johns through a friend of mine. If memory serves me correctly, I went on a 2008 tour of Silo Point, which is down in Locust Point. It was the tour that let Johns know that he needed help. Johns always says there will be about 40 people showing up, and there are usually about 80. In this case there were hundreds, literally hundreds of people. So anybody who knew Johns was helping corral people and organize things. And [after that] I got in touch with him and offered to help. And I believe I was the first volunteer. I might be wrong.
I don’t even remember what I was doing for Baltimore Heritage. Basically, at the time, we were just coming up with ideas like, “Gee, this would be fun to go see,” which is what I still do. I like to snoop and so it’s, “Where do I want to go?”
Q: How long have you lived in Baltimore?
A: I moved to Baltimore in 1968 right after the riots. I worked in Richmond (Virginia) for an advertising agency and I got offered a job in Baltimore that paid me more than I was making in Richmond. I thought I was in Fat City! I did not know anything about Baltimore, but I fell in love with it. Obviously, I have lived here longer than I lived in Richmond. I have lived in Bolton Hill, Mt. Vernon, Roland Park and Hampden.
I got a job as a temp at the company I ended up retiring from 35 years later–Samuel Shapiro and Company, Custom house broker and freight forwarder. We were the liaison between Customs, steamship companies, longshoremen, and internal freight forwarders. This was in the days just when container ships were beginning and so we were dealing with longshoremen, who were a rowdy group. It was great fun. I would go down on occasion and have lunch on ships.
One of my favorite stories: Once I was on the phone with one of the longshoremen. There were some noisy people in the background. He said, “Hang on Willy. [to the men] Shut the bleep up, I’ve got a lady on the phone!”
I fell in with wonderful people, as one does. I have yet to run into anybody who lives in Baltimore who doesn’t love it. And they love it because it is scruffy. I was so delighted to move to Baltimore and be myself. And live to talk about it.
Q: Where would you recommend new Baltimoreans go to learn about the city?

A: I have lived here for so long, I am probably a bad person to ask about that. R House [where our interview was held] is such a wonderful mix of people. I just ran into a neighbor of mine who is having a meeting a couple of booths down.
Baltimore has so much going for it. Culturally, it is amazing. I just heard that the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra is going to be playing for free at the Baltimore Museum of Industry. Here is an institution that is nearly going out of business trying to figure out ways of getting new audiences.
Q: Favorite Baltimore Heritage tour?
A: I loved when we went to the Pratt Central Library before the renovations because we got to go into the stacks and into the room with the rare books. That was terrific. I think two of my favorites were First & Franklin Church while it was under reconstruction and we were able climb up the scaffolding and see the work done by the original artists – and their graffiti. And of course Wayne Schaumburg’s tours of Greenmount Cemetery – he could probably do this every day and be sold out.
One of my favorite tours is the one that I am going to be lining up for us again — the Ashburton Water Treatment plant. That was fabulous. [Save the date! Baltimore Heritage will be doing a tour here on June 17 at 2 pm]
Q: What’s your favorite place in Baltimore? Why?
A: I love the Baltimore Museum of Art and Gertrude’s, which is the restaurant right there. I can walk there, see an exhibit, and then go to Gertrude’s for a drink or a meal. I love the Avenue. I love introducing people to restaurants like Dylan’s Oyster Cellar.
Q: Favorite hidden gem?
A: It has been here since 2013. It is on the Hopkins campus. It is in a new building next to the Eisenhower Library. It is called “Archaeology of Knowledge.” It is a permanent exhibit. It’s part of a large student study area, so everyone is quiet. An installation artist was given free-range of Hopkins Campus. They could go through closets, shelves, labs, attics, basements. And they collected stuff. There are three large glass display cases and then pull out shelves at the bottom. They have got things like a ladies fan made out of a parrot. Gorgeous colors from this dead bird. I cannot describe to you how bizarre. There is a collection of microscopes. There are baseball hats from Hopkins. You don’t know what’s next.
One of my favorite things is Stoop Stories. [The Stoop Storytelling Series is a Baltimore-based live show and podcast that features “ordinary” people sharing the extraordinary, true tales of their lives]. They have a series, they choose a theme — parents, relationships, workplace, whatever. They have 7 people talk for 7 minutes. They are wonderful. I’ve heard Elijah Cummings talking about desegregating the Riverside Park pool when he was a kid and white people throwing rocks. Another one, a woman went to a dirty bookstore to buy a Valentine and happened to look over to see her son! You never know what you are going to get.
Q: In one word, describe Baltimore:
A: Fabulous. Home. I am shocked that soon I will be moving to Baltimore County, but my heart is in Baltimore City.