Site icon Baltimore Heritage

September 27: Join Us at Bmore Historic 2024

We hope to see you on September 27 at the Baltimore Museum of Industry for Bmore Historic 2024! Students are free this year.

Questions? Please email us at


Baltimore Heritage

What is Bmore Historic?

Bmore Historic is a participant-led unconference for people who care about public history and historic preservation in and around Baltimore. Over the course of the day, conference attendees participate in hour-long discussion sessions focused on topics that the group chooses in the morning. There are no predetermined topics or speakers. Rather, the first order of business is for participants to propose and select discussion topics. There are two blocks of discussion sessions in the morning and two in the afternoon, with lunch in between, and each discussion section typically has 20-30 people in it. Topics typically include issues relating to neighborhood revitalization, civic engagement around history and heritage, and current events and issues relating to heritage in Baltimore and across the state and country. Each discussion section is led by a volunteer participant and is designed to provide a forum to share ideas and plans around the chosen topic. One chief goal of the conference is to foster connections among participants that last beyond the day of the conference. Learn more about Bmore Historic or read our introduction to unconferences.

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