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Baltimore Heritage

Holiday Tree at Orianda House: Tribute to Bill Eberhart

What a difference a year makes.  Last year was the first year Baltimore Heritage participated in the tree decorations at Orianda House on the Crimea estate in Leakin Park.  While Executive Director Johns Hopkins and I were decorating the tree, a Baltimore Heritage board member and friend of the House came in — Bill Eberhart.  One year later we find ourselves dedicating the tree in his memory.  Baltimore lost a tireless advocate of its historic sites and green spaces when Bill passed away in October.

The decorated trees will debut on Saturday, December 10th at 5:00 pm at Orianda House. Guest speaker, Edward Heinmiller, will take the podium at 6:45 pm  An art exhibit of pen and ink drawings by Elaine Ackerman of the Ross Winans house on St. Paul Street will be shown for the first time in almost 30 years. Entertainment will be provided by the Whirlitzers, a book signing and sale of Monuments to Heaven by Lois Zanow & Sally Johnston will take place as well as tours of the house and displays. Refreshments will be served.

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