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The Lillie Carroll Jackson Civil Rights Museum: A Behind-the-Scenes Tour

From 1935 until her retirement in 1970, Lillie Carroll Jackson was president of the Baltimore chapter of the NAACP and for much of this time her home on Eutaw Place was a hub of Civil Rights organizing for Jackson and her daughter, Juanita Jackson Mitchell. On July 27, join Baltimore Heritage Executive Director Johns Hopkins for a short walk around Lillie Carroll Jackson’s neighborhood, which was also the home of many other Civil Rights luminaries including Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Mitchell. Then we will go inside the museum to tour where Jackson, called the  “Mother of the Civil Rights Movement,” lived and worked for the cause. 

This tour will include a short, 30-min walk outdoors, followed by an hour-long indoor tour. The Museum and exhibits are accessible by wheelchair and others with limited mobility. There is elevator access to all floors.

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