Site icon Baltimore Heritage

Monumental Maryland Marble: The Cockeysville Quarries 1800-1940 (Virtual Talk)

Phillip Lord joins us for a presentation on marble quarries in Cockeysville and the buildings in Baltimore and beyond that were made of stones quarried from these sites. Cockeysville Marble was a major source of marble in the United States, used in the construction of significant buildings in Baltimore and beyond including the Washington Monuments in Baltimore and Washington DC, Baltimore’s City Hall, the United States Capitol Building, and the Fisher Building in Detroit.


About this event

This program is hosted on Zoom. Upon registering you will receive an email confirmation and a Zoom link. If you do not receive a link, please contact If you do not contact us at least 1 hour prior to the start of the program, we cannot guarantee admittance.

The Baltimore Architecture Foundation (BAF) and Baltimore Heritage present the Virtual Histories Series: 30 minute live virtual tours and presentations focusing on Baltimore architecture, preservation and history. Hosted every Friday at 1:00 pm EST.

Tickets are donation based. We encourage you to give what you can to support BAF and Baltimore Heritage. Your support helps us make up for lost tour and program revenue from COVID-19 and create more virtual programs like this.

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