Site icon Baltimore Heritage

Jones Falls Walking Tour with Charm City Meadworks

We are thrilled to be partnering on a walking tour of the Jones Falls River with Charm City Meadworks and Blue Water Baltimore! The walk is part of Urban Wilderness Weekend, a weekend full of dance parties, art shows and other activities hosted by Charm City Meadworks and sponsored by the National Wildlife Federation.

On our Jones Falls walk, we will cover 2-miles in approximately 2 hours. Along the way, we’ll explore the more-than-human world through our senses, learn about urban watershed ecology, and have the opportunity to reflect upon and share the insights that nature-based experiences yield. In addition to learning about the nature that is around us in the Jones Falls watershed, we’ll learn about the valley’s rich human heritage, from where the bottle cap was invented to why Baltimore has a hundred year old building built entirely on stilts. The ticket includes the tour and a glass of mead at the end, where there will be food vendors and an urban wilderness art show.

Charm City Meadworks is handing the reservations through its online portal.

Register Today!

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