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Can Baltimore Save the Planet?: A Talk by Charlie Duff

Have you ever thought about how people like us in Baltimore can help to reverse climate change and species extinction? After decades of thinking and writing about how cities function, most recently with his book, The North Atlantic Cities, historian and author Charlie Duff will tackle these and other daunting questions. Charlie is optimistic about Baltimore:

We were a mid-sized city when we invented the railroad and the clipper ship, a mid-sized city when we created the first modern university and turned medicine into a science, a mid-sized city when we created America’s first great urban waterfront.

What will Baltimore do next to help our planet’s most pressing issues? In this one hour talk, Mr. Duff will share the insights he’s reached with a seriousness of global purpose as it relates to Baltimore.


About the Speaker

Charles Duff is a planner, teacher, developer, and historian. Since 1987, as President of Jubilee Baltimore, he has led the revival of several dozen Baltimore neighborhoods and built or rebuilt more than 300 buildings. Known as an expert in historic architecture and urban history, he has also pioneered in the development of residential and commercial buildings for artists and arts organizations.

A graduate of Amherst College and Harvard University, he studied at St. Andrews University in Scotland and has walked every city and neighborhood to which he refers. He is a past President of the Baltimore Architecture Foundation and has served on the boards of many community and professional organizations. He lectures widely and has taught at Johns Hopkins and Morgan State Universities.

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