Imagine an interstate highway barreling through Fell’s Point–loud trucks, smog, and restricted access to the water. Luckily we only have to imagine, but it was almost a reality. Join us on September 21 for the ultimate insider’s guide to who-what-where-and-how historic Fell’s Point was protected from destruction. Get to know the no-name outsiders and activists that defeated the insiders and the powerful to save this vibrant and historic waterfront community. The walking tour will be conducted by Evans Paull, author of Stop the Road, Stories from the Trenches of Baltimore’s Road Wars and Joe McNeely, the first director of Southeast Community Organization (SECO). Joe was active in Southeast Council Against the Road (SCAR), and one of the brave squatters that occupied Fell’s Point houses and prevented their decline while the Road Fight dragged on. We hope to see you on September 21 to hear about this scrappy underdog saga!
A Road Wars Tour of Fell’s Point