Site icon Baltimore Heritage

Martin Family in Federal Hill

Baltimore Heritage Director Johns Hopkins presents Carol Martin with a Centennial Homes Plaque at a meeting in South Federal Hill. Photo by Lisa Doyle.

In April, Baltimore Heritage welcomed Mrs. Carol Martin and the Martin/Lowe Family into the Baltimore Centennial Homes Program. This brings the number of families to six that have lived in their same house for 100 years or more. Mrs. Martin has lived in her South Charles Street house in South Federal Hill since she married Martin Lowe and moved into the home that had been in the Lowe family since 1894. During her decades in the house, Mrs. Martin has been an active leader in shaping the South Federal Hill community. Notably, in 1975 and in the wake of the collapse of two houses in the neighborhood from truck vibrations, Mrs. Martin led an effort to form the South Baltimore Improvement Association, the forerunner of today’s neighborhood association. Among other things, this new group successfully lobbied to close Hannover Street as a corridor for trucks. Quite a bit has changed in South Baltimore since 1894 when the Lowe and Martin family originally moved in, and their dedication to their community has sparked numerous civic improvements. Today, Mrs. Martin is joined in her house by her grandson Jordan. Perhaps this house will continue on for another couple of generations in the same family!

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